Kryptonic LED Watch Design
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Ein neues Konzept aus dem Tokyoflash-Design-Studio.
Diese Uhr-Design hat beide Bits Kryptonite und Predator-Konzepte, die es ein Gefühl der einzigartig, aus dieser Welt-Design gibt.Die mehreren Ebenen geben es ein Steuerelement Panel Gefühl, während die kursiv schön unter die abgeschrägte Glaslinse fließt.Kleine Stücke von Acryl Aufstieg aus der Edelstahl beschichtetes Gehäuse, gibt es eine ganz neue Dimension, um die Kryptonite.
Alarmanzeige zeigt auf der linken Seite des Fensters mit einer Besonderheit, wo die Kryptonite zählt hinunter, wenn der Wecker klingelt.10 Sekunden, bevor der Alarm ertönt, die alle Lichter einschalten, und Signaltöne, und mit jeder Warnton geht ein Licht aus, bis alle Lichter ausgehen und alarm Sounds.
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Liquid Plasma Watch Design
Entwurf von Pasquale aus Italien.
Dies ist eine außergewöhnliche Uhr-Konzept von Pasquale. Es ist wie ein Zeit-Experiment, wo Flüssigkeit gepumpt wird, um die transparente Schläuche Zeit in drei Quadranten angezeigt. Klare glaserl außen die Uhr, einschließlich den Gurt präsentiert dieses Design in eine zarte und empfindliche Oberfläche.Es hat auch ein gefährlich Gefühl in es, dass es eine spannende Watch-Gesamtdesign.Absolut für diejenigen, die, anders zu sein.
Wir applaudieren Pasquale für dieses brillante und original-Konzept.
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Today and in the future LED watch design
Design by Evans from the USA.
Blog site inspired by clock design concepts in this Evans has this challenging and at the same time modern design which come elegant black face, the busy businessman can easily customize to any style for both men and women of all ages - from the artistic fashion designer stainless steel housing and curved layout.
It is a combination of current and future clocks.
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ixtrio watch concept
Eingereicht von Augustin aus der Schweiz
Die Idee der X-Form kommt aus einer Ampel 's Zeichen (the red One) ich hochkonzentrierte, um zu machen, grüne geworden war starrte auf dieses Zeichen für lange Minuten,
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Optical illusion LED watch displays the time
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Do you know this magical picture pictures where you have a seemingly innocuous design the "real" image look like a sailing boat or a dinosaur in squint? Now apply this concept to a clock and you have this optical illusion LED watch design. If it is impossible to say time with actually looks (unless you half an hour to burn each attempting it before staring your "ah ha!") "It is lunch!"(Moment), I agree with you.
All hope is not lost, though. While displays time as an illusion * should * to see the numbers by the Green and black haze. Assuming you have the time to do (haha, see what I did there?) You know you) there is a way to enable easy mode. Just tap on the clock and display shows you the time without the hassle penetrate, the optical illusion. Round-the-clock claims it is "wow your friends with your amazing sixth sensory powers!" But I would probably boring with new after about 5 minutes or so.Then again, have at least you can tap on the actual time seeing if you late for your son's little league game or rushing to the station scary tap your watch to see if you still have time to machen.Plus, when your friends ask, for the time you say can "for yourself see!", and show a colorful mess.
Luckily for us, many other Tokyoflash designs there to bypass.The colour of range watch would be probably a little easier to read and at the same time that colorful fun Gefühl.Alternativ can on a journey with the round trip clock design, the clocks go though I out everywhere would take it that get it actually broken. not very cheap ya know.
Via: Tokyoflash
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Timeline - LED watch design in the musical patterns
Design by David from UK.
David sought to get the idea with sound or notes to a similar acoustic effect a minimalist idea that would be easy to read but came with a Twist.Diese clock design as it combines a trailer for close encounters on TV sah.Er.
Like scales the note below the bottom line 1 is 12 hours climbed 11 about top Linie.Die shows first note a duplicate reference to the medium Zeile.Die second comment shows 10 minutes and the third 1 minutes Zeit.Es is like a line chart, where should equal the rows 2,4,6,8 and 10.Es address someone like music especially with a USB option.
David sees this watch with an acoustic option to play each note can raise various issues dating and alternatively via a USB connection on its own, so that time could tell without looking at the your watch.
Great idea! we agree that this concept easy with this 'Tokyoflash y'-twist is.
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Buckled LED Watch Design
Entwurf von Devindh aus Großbritannien.
Dieses Design ist teilweise inspiriert durch den 'Tokyoflash Waku'-Bereich und teilweise inspiriert von Apples Integration von LEDs in Ihre Produkte.Devindh sagt: "Ich mag die Weise, die Apple micro Löcher geschaffen hat, die sehr unauffällig, aber erlauben die LEDs um Aufmerksamkeit zu zeichnen, sobald Sie eingeschaltet sind".
Dieses Konzept schließt die Lücke zwischen Schmuck und Uhren "Schnalle Stil" Wache.Die Stunde-Indikatoren sind Mikro niedergebracht, um den Mittelpunkt der Uhr zu bilden. Der äußere Rand teilt die Minuten in zwei Sätze von 30, die durch durchbohrte Schlitze sichtbar sind.Die Minuten werden auf das Gehäuse geätzt.
Diese Uhr-Design mit seinem Stil und Material ist für die Fashionistas.Es ist eine elegante Uhr, die sicherlich eine Erklärung abgeben wird.
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The squares Watch: A lesson in minimal LED design
Tokyoflash seems to a permanent quest to confuse the heck out of people, when you try to check what it is about time. I must admit that the Tokyoflash pretty amazing and certainly are watch design eye-catching, but I tell me at a train station that try see figure out what time is 5: 30 on my super fancy Waterstoneelectric clock, and the train goes WOOSH right from me. Nevertheless, this squares design those is one of the cooler concept I've seen, and despite the risk, unable to explain if need be, I would be tempted to pick up one. According to Kevin, the guy who came with this clock, the design is "all about minimalism." It can be edited thanks to 25 lit or unlit LED squares in a grid. The appearance comes off as rather thin and I can see the minimalist approach here. If you are looking to find out how it actually tells time, the piece would change color of as time progresses. The creator made this would ultimately end looked like the word a 70's disco. Staying alive, baby! If you still get the concept (feel is not bad, I rarely do) here's a cool presentation below. Search other clock designs, we have a ton of Tokyoflash things, presented here. It is the rather unusual ECG heart rate monitor, for example, or when you find a theme like this one is something similar to this is range watch color concept and. I think the pulse watch concept is particularly fun, although I me question what is time Flatlining, or if I could set it to bed time. Right in this way, once you would "dead" you know, it's time to go to sleep? OK, maybe a little morbid, but it would be funny!
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Snap ring - A watch design from another Galaxy
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Design by Patrick from France.
A very futuristic design it almost reminds us of a Star Trek spacecraft.The design is very elegant with its glassy and smooth surface and the snap ring strap is perfect for the entire Konzept.Der monochromatic LEDs on his plain outer simplify the clock still catchy.Rote LED on a black case would definitely stand for this design.
Patrick looks all kinds of people wear this because the design simple and sober ist.Wir could not vote and we love as reading time a breeze ist.Also, what color of you prefer?
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2000200202 LED watch-the future of the 1000100101
Draft of Francisco from Chile.
Francisco's reinterpretation of the his favorite Tokyoflash Watches, the 100100101 is a unique work of art with its shaped surfaces and elegant Form.Er describes how is a solid aluminum block that is carefully create different models of holes with just a few of you perforated beleuchtet.Es keeps the massive blocks, leather strap and multicolor LEDs from the 1000100101 showing time and date.
The 2000200202 shows which represents time with 12 green LEDs represent 1 hour, 5 yellow LEDs, 10 minutes, and plus 1 red LED, PM 9 Red LEDs represent 1 minute.Date is LED, shows date mode showed with 12 LEDs green month, those are for 1 day, 3 yellow led for 10 days, 9 red and 1 yellow.
We agree that people like sculptural objects be when the this design amazed it gives the impression of the Moon, yet fascinating macht.Es is in fact the future of our classic 1000100101.Great job Francisco!
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Labels: 1000100101, 2000200202, future, watch-the
LED Bracelet Watch design for the Futurist
A new concept from the Tokyoflash Design Studio.
Screams at first glance of this watch "you can never tell time", but it is in fact the Kinderspiel.Die outer lines show hours the minutes digits displayed based on regular clock position and within this line! how much can be easier!
The metal bracelet runs around the wrist and the white edges on both sides select the lighting of the LEDs, so that this watch has a delicate and polished look.
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Madrix - LED clock in black
Draft of Adriano from France.
Adriano provides for this watch in black metal with white LEDs.Er will create a simple design that both the sophisticated than the discrete, and creates it with clean lines and conventional view of this watch to min. of star-shaped arrangement of the LEDs is very unique and as Adriano the hours and minutes on each LED is very impressive, with the middle circles timing point 6 hours and 30 minutes.
A rectangular case with wider straps can this design in a different feeling geben.welche variation you want to see?
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Tuning clock car design LED clock
Monday, September 27, 2010
Design by Patrick from France.
A very interesting and innovative watch design, Patrick describes it as a design that looks like a revised American car, Calande, the 1950's and 1960's.Not only is the design for lovers cars, it has a special mechanism, a sensory flap that traveling mobile makes this watch for riders.The time can be activated without the steering wheel freizugeben.Bequem? read more!
The sensory flap is retractable from the front of the clock and time is easy with a simple slope of wrist aktiviert.Die time is much like our barcode clock from left to right at the first line with 5 hours, 1 hour segments for the second line, and 10 minutes and 1 minute segments for the third and fourth rows read.It contains a date function, day of week and PM Indikatoren.Der consists of a flexible metal strap bracelet slightly worn and adapted.
We are impressed by Patrick's innovative Denken.Wenn are a car lover, let us know what you think.
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Nokta watch design time in a point
Draft of Salih from Turkey.
A LED dot is everything what one needs to tell time from this efficiently designed concept.It is a multicolored LED watch the 10 minute segments in different colors zeigen.Die intersections between the rows and columns minutes hours luminaires in 6 colours, all ten minutes darstellt.Datum mode lights all LEDs except section, the date.
This is a brilliant concept - simple and at the same time umwerfend.Das general appearance of the clock with the elegant square face and wide belt there is a solid and masculine feel. Add a good animation feature and another got you a mysterious-looking watch on your wrist.
Is it good enough or can still improve?
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Thomas Prescher's Mysterious Automatic Double Axis Tourbillon
Ich freue mich zu sehen, das in der Person auf der Baselworld in ein paar Wochen!
"Thomas hatte ein Problem:
Wie Sie die Sichtbarkeit des Tourbillons noch besser als seine gegenwärtigen Uhren zu machen.
Die Lösung:
Nur gehockt alles außer der Tourbillon aus dem Weg."
-Watchprosite "Eine Vision. Das ist normalerweise der Anfang einer Zeit-Skulptur, die von Thomas Prescher hergestellt. Geleitet von der Idee, die perfekte Sicht der zentralen Elemente der seine Multi zu verbessern komponiert Axis Tourbillon Thomas Prescher eine neue atemberaubende Kunstwerk.
Place die Bewegung ausblenden fand Links und rechts in der Fall, durch die Blende ausgeblendet. Weil der Raum sehr begrenzt ist, die Teile der Bewegung musste auf beiden Seiten befinden.

Diese geheimnisvolle Uhr mit seiner Transparenz führte automatisch zu dem Wunsch, es zu tragen, von Seiten, front und Rücken. Mit dem Kalender befindet sich auf der flachen Seite der die Schwungmasse blickt dieser Indikation immer nach oben. Es kann gelesen werden, unabhängig davon, welche Seite der Uhr ist.

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Besuchen Sie PuristPro für mehr Details oder Uhrmacher Thomas Prescher Haute Horlogerie website
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Labels: Automatic, Double, Mysterious, Prescher's, Thomas, Tourbillon
The 4N MVT01 four numbers disc watch by François Quentin
An interesting new concept clock from new brand 4N is by François Quentin, one of the founders developed very cool independent watch brand HAUTLENCE.
4N came from the desire, create a simple digital display and propose a mechanical alternative to the analogue watches with moving hands.The name of the brand is "4 numbers", derived, which refers to the four digits on a digital counter the umpteen hours, hours, tens of thousands of minutes and minutes darstellen.Besuchen for more information the official 4N-Website.Limited edition of 16 in 18 carat white gold and Platinum
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Sunday, September 26, 2010
If you already in Switzerland next week for the BASELWORLD watch fair the world's first public viewing, will not be worry the Watchismo times has an exclusive sneak peek of this uber gadget, the CELSIUS X-VI-II micro mechanical Tourbillon mobile!Celsius gegründet.Im March 2010 is a French company, 2006 by four young entrepreneurs, after three years of research and development with icons such as Richard Mille and controversial motion maker "Confrérie Horlogère Hublot" (formerly NBB concept) X-VI-II launch Celsius end micromechanical phones, with some extraordinary patented mechanical complications.
The first creation, a mobile phone that merged patented watch with one with a Tourbillon reassembly Papillon mechanism, heralds a new generation of objects with high emotional value. CELSIUS X VI II invents micro-mechanical applications to humanize the future of communication: the limits of established watchmaking every creation be a significant step towards the dream of a fully mechanical mobile phone: a phone, where each function is mechanical, active solely by human power.
Celsius X VI II has developed its first Papillon element as accessories for the contemporary Aesthete.The consecutive design sketches show a quest for perfect elegant - contoured lines, noble materials and subtle details - a functionalist approach beauty without Selbstbeteiligung.Die indicates a fine watchmaking influence quality of manufacture.The pieces of the case are the best quality and most about 547 mechanical components are hand finished.The aesthetic design plays with transparency to reveal the magic of technology, even stronger than the butterfly design would be alone allowed.
However, the fact remains within its hinge that hidden hides item a patented system that is selected when the wings unfolded sind.Auf of based of complex micro-mechanics, this innovation has its name "reassembly Papillon" (butterfly rewind) - on the upper wing dargelegt.Ihre presence has much to do, make this creation a favorite among the enlightened Enthusiasten.Dieser ultimate appeal is an asset, which opens new horizons, mechanical functions to explore that will revolutionize the world of communication, things as Celsius begins II X VI never before seen or that in the future belongs prestige are an important sector of the market.
Celsius X VI II is basically an innovative brand that mobile phone connects prestige watchmaking in creating nomadic art objects.
A dream that includes a concept that is still impossible but maybe someday true: a completely mechanical cell phone!
It is revealed next week at Baselworld 2010, starting price will be about 200,000 € ($ 275,000).
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Ikepod carbon-nano ball hourglass designed by Marc Newson - BASELWORLD 2010 revelations
The Ikepod hourglass is 60 minutes counter consists of high-quality glass with "Sand" from carbon or nickel-plated Nano ball. A gold-plated Nano ball version is also available.
The container measures 265 mm x 300 mm x 3 mm.
Ikepod website
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Labels: BASELWORLD, carbon-nano, designed, hourglass, Ikepod, Newson, revelations
Rebellion T-1000 vertical roller timepiece with 1000 hours power reserve
"One of the horological highlights BASELWORLD has the incredible rebellion, the T-1000 with 1000 hours makes to make 6 mainspring barrels, two small chains, double spiral spring, titanium case and aluminium housing."Special thanks to Ian Skellern UNDERTHEDIAL for its pictures and descriptions.
6 Barrels are sore, the hinges upward out of the chassis of this patented innovative lever (patented).
Lever locks leadership of winding and an integral part of the case looks.
The force is required, the T-1000 wind is very easy and there is a tactile clicking ratchet sound as the lever is moved up or down.
On both sides of the T-1000 movement distributes a tiny chain between 3 barrels.
With a mind-blowing power reserve of more than 1,000 hours - thats the borders of more than 40 days - T 1OOO just again, it destroys them and creates its own reality.
BASELWORLD, March 2010 - after the successful presentation in January the predator, your first watch with round case rebellion launched itself in providing a never before realized challenge: creating a clock with a power reserve of more than 1,000 hours!
The T 1OOO - birth a challenge
It was in June 2008, after the famous 24 hours of Le Mans race in an atmosphere rich with the smell of engine oil and hot search engines, the team at rebellion thought, "if we can transform these refined, racing Thoroughbreds in 24-hours-long distance endurance riders, why don't you do with the same a watch?""Why don't see just how long the power reserve could be?"
Sporting a body of pure design
The body of the T 1OOO was designed by Eric Giroud and rebellion a cooperation.The case was simultaneously with the movement developed completely harmonious integration.It is a feeling of flying as the viewer looks down by massive opening the vertical roller-borne time unten.Aufmerksamkeit dive information then around 6 am, where the inclined double balance freely the immense power to a Rate.Ein controlled Windows in the side of the case one shows exactly the driving force behind barrels with markers, providing a natural "fuel gauge" of the State power reserve.
Taxes which makes
Housing support surface with three on each side of the body are the six mainspring barrels, providing of T 1OOO with his outrageous energy Reserve.Der utilizes oversized winding lever T 1OOO with a strong and virile identity and an ergonomically tactile pleasure, more cone providing case from Central at 6 am .Optimierte during "Filling the tank" down evidence of race pedigree Rebellion.einen pedigree, reinforced by the fact that the setting time so easy (and comfortable) offer a patented time setting coupling, activated by a button in the three round structures, each side of the case as the Gangwechsels.Die a hint to the complex engineering inside, while the innovative architecture of the majestic case in perfect optimize demand exceptional contemporary watchmaking.
A real racing machine
More than 1,000 hour power reserve is possible thanks to the six mainspring barrels, the T 1OOO with its exceptional capacity in a patented system of distribution energy six barrels are parallel by a central prop shaft bereitstellen.Klicken go two chains wound, but discharge the regulator in series (2 x 3) with a regular power to optimieren.Die technical skill behind the realization of this elegant technical solution came directly from rebellion's long-standing experience in endurance race and the rebellion racing team.
Limited Edition: 100 PiecesCalibre: REB T-1000, manual, development with integrated winding LeverJewels: 14 ceramics & 22 RubiesBalance: spiral spring double inclined 39 ° winding system: patented system of six drivers wound parallel chain and prop shaft.The barrel discharge makes in series offer an optimum torque curve.Indications: hours and minutes, appear on Scooter Power Reserve: 1 ' 000 + hours (2 x 3) vertical driver BarrelsNumber components provided by six: 693 chassis balance frequency: 18 ' 000 bph (2.5 Hz) material: case in titanium and chassis in AluminiumDimensions: 46.7 mm X 46,9, mm / 19.5 MmCrown: timing mechanism with patented pushbutton clutch SystemWater resistance: 50 MetresStrap: black alligator LeatherBuckle: patented folding clasp with micro metischer push button regulation beyond the simple setting of the length to wrist.Rebellion watches website
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Labels: hours, power, Rebellion, reserve, roller, T-1000, timepiece, vertical
Opus 10 of Jean-François Mojon for Harry Winston rare watches
The Opus series has some lost his "oomph" with the lackluster # 10. More avant garde as guard. Unfortunately, people like me leave more Vanting. Ian Skellern thanks the Underthedial for his pictures and video of the latest Harry Winston rare watches Opus X either way.
Video watch functions->
"This simplified model of the Opus shows only the minutes 10 mechanism and GMT functions.for is not the complexity of hours and contain seconds".
The shape of time
Inspired by planetary movements and the space time continuum, the circular motions begins Opus X, the shape and the dimension of time by the synchronous rotation.Dial and watch replace a traditional festivals pointer, frame appears as a system of rotating indicators mounted on a swivel.A new technical challenge to present how the frame a full rotation is completed, which selects each indicator turn in the opposite direction, ensuring alignment remains constant in any position.
Bearing in mind the celestial mechanics of the solar system, the mechanical hand-wound movement as a planetary gear train consisting of solar wheel, satellite wheels and frame.On the individual satellite wheels, set around the Central solar wheel to umkreisen.Jeder indicator is the indicators for the hours, minutes, seconds and secondary timezone are at a slight slope so that selects which curvature is the case, to follow, but fluidity in rotation festlegen.Der framework separately driven need to complete a full rotation in 24 hours.
Create consistency in the overall design, operates the RADIUS satellite the 72-hour power reserve as special planetary gear train, in which the diameter of the wheel of the Crown wheel what a linear indication entspricht.Balance regulation and chamfered bridges increase stability and functionality of the Gangreserve.Eine transparent support shows the geometric precision and beautiful ending of the movement.
Technical data
Name: Opus X
Reference: 500/MMJFMWL.K
Movement: Mechanical hand-wound movement
Functions: Time display by modules for hours, minutes and seconds mounted on a platform
Continuous movement of the platform turns in twenty-four hours
Twenty-four hour second time zone specified in the periphery
Linear power reserve indicator on the rear
Case: 46 mm white gold
Strap: Black alligator
Buckle: White gold
Power reserve: 72 hours
Water resistance: 30 m
Limited Edition: 100 pieces
Collection: Opus
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Labels: Harry, Jean-François, Mojon, watches, Winston
Man-powered clock
Saturday, September 25, 2010
I don't want to clean or lubricating these movement...
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Labels: clock, Man-powered
Tivoli Audio M3PIANO Platinum Series-model three AM / FM clock radio (piano black/silver) reviews
Friday, September 24, 2010

Tivoli Audio model three clock radio - go shopping today for a clock radio and usually find large & bright digital displays, the sounds of nature, futuristic designs and other modern amenities. Tivoli Audio but takes a different path with the model three clock radio. It has a purely analog interface for both the clock and the AM / FM radio, as well as with an old fashioned feel is designed.Has a classic design, modern features, while maintaining superior audio technology in Inneren.Sleek thumbwheel, set the alarm time constant, gentle illumination, external antenna & power included in a high gloss black and silver finish.
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Labels: (piano, Audio, black/silver), clock, M3PIANO, Platinum, radio, reviews, Series-model, three, Tivoli
Hi KITTY AM / FM alarm clock radio

Sleeping to calming you tunes with this lovely pink Hello Kitty promo a clock radio with a sleep function up to 1 hour and 59 minutes.Have snooze button always welcome."Includes display, radio/alarm wake option and battery back-up function for Stromausfälle.Importiert.2-3/4Hx4-3/5Wx5-1/4 L a 3/5 - LED-".Hello Kitty - KT2051 promo radio alarm clock
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Timex digital tuning large LED projection clock radio with dual alarm, nature sounds noise maker, and line-in for all CD players, MP-3 Player, iPod for all generations and all audio players
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Projects time & alarm time Onwall or ceiling. 2. 5″ dynamic stereo speaker with crystal clear sound. Watch with AM / FM radio, nature sounds or summer.Dual alarm for individual wake times and individual alarm sounds.Battery backup system protects against Stromausfälle.Schlafen with am IM / FM radio, nature sounds or MP3 with programmable Sleep.Drehen button flips projection show times for overhead.
Projects time & alarm time Onwall or ceiling, plus times for overhead ViewingGo rotate projection button, sleep listening to AM tilts / FM radio, nature sounds or MP3 with programmable sleep time Naxel clear superior sound with a stereo dynamic 2. 5″ SpeakerWake with am IM / FM radio or buzzer, nature sounds / individual alarm will sound set for each of the individual dual alarm wake TimesBattery backup system protects against power outages
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Labels: alarm, audio, clock, digital, generations, large, line-in, maker, nature, noise, Player, players, projection, radio, sounds, Timex, tuning
Pink Floyd dark side of the Moon neon clock

Review review «Timex digital tuning large LED projection clock radio with dual alarm, nature sounds noise maker, and line-in for all CD player, MP3 player, all generations iPod and all audio PlayersMaple's clock TCL06 333 moving gear desktop clock»
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Sylvania iPod dock alarm clock with sleep and snooze function in silver color (Silver)

Sylvania SIP235 SILVER has alarm clock radio with digital display and sleep and snooze function.You can alert the dual to your iPod, buzzer or radio to wecken.Sie recharges and contain your iPod right by the Einheit.AC adapters play.Alarm clock radio with sleep and snooze FunctionWake iPod radio or BuzzerRecharge and play your iPod video nano or MiniDigital DisplayAC adapter
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Labels: (Silver), alarm, clock, color, function, silver, sleep, snooze, Sylvania
The Koi - LED clock design with a touch of Japanese

Design by Anna from Australia.
"Anna began appealing the Koi fish to this simple and beautiful design.""I wanted to make an icon that I think something inherently iconic within Japanese culture embodies", she says.
The image is on a silver dial and scales lights on each fish, that the relevant time minimalist design will appeal certainly angibt.Das to a lot of people and Anna believes that such allows design, take the clock in all situations from everyday to evening wear.
We are impressed with how Anna has the eye of both women and men came to a concept that visually represents Japanese culture and one that certainly we catch wird.Lieben, as it is, but how would you improve it?

Over time LED watch design
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Draft of Logan from the USA.
How Logan's design, "Arctime", this watch design is a transformation of a traditional watch display that something futuristic forward brought.
We were to first to read the time lost, but Logan that explains it as "two lines about the clock face time zeigen.stellen you are the hands of a traditional clock in the center of the dial, but two points on the perimeter are verankert.Diese hands hours (blue) to select LED lines and 5 minute groups (red)."The minute line a moment to give blinks enden.Klingt far too complicated, but it 1-4 times at times not on 0 or 5″ and see how easy it is.
This design looks Logan borne by people, whose Vision of the future is a 80′s arcade game, and Yes, it reminds would also be nice to see us at these old simple Spiele.Es LED lines flash as laser blasting out your starting points.
Another simple but well thought-out design of Logan.

Sci Fi watch design inspired to make neo re think his fashion sense

Maciej's watch concept seems to be at first glance no clock or any other time measuring device for that matter. It has a striking design, but it should be assumed to be some sort of alien Communicator. Or with the black and green range something from the matrix at the very least.
Maciej Mandrysz from Poland describes its asymmetrical Tokyoflash design as simple, modern and clean. It also shows that he was inspired by a science fiction computer interface. He holds the exact details of inspiration to itself, which is probably good. The design is so striking, I would it purely to cool, look, how it some time to read actually take time could wear. But it's the hang you pretty simple, once. There are green LED strips and are what the conventional clock face in an ordinary watch.The 12 LEDs on the left represent the hours; then there are 10 LEDs inside, the last in groups of ten minutes dar.Der Strip on the right side, consisting of 9 LEDs represent single minutes.
Apart from time reading, is the actual design and striking. The belt is curved to fit around your wrist, and the "clock face" is still striking, with the corners cut at a 45 degree angle, and is slightly curved and fit with the rest of the design. I personally like the appearance of time digits if you can call it. The hour LEDs are rectangular and fat. The 10 minute groups in the Middle seem either round or hexagonal and the individual the minute digits are slanted. They are represented also less fat.Each time group is by a thin green stripe below curved getrennt.Die Green most definitely plays an important role in the "wow" factor of the clock.There are a modern and search of this world.
For some reason the clock design reminds me of some of the Matrix.vielleicht because combined have. no matter, what exactly it looks inspired it as some NEO would wear green with an elegant black, don't you think? I found these designs very interesting: Cobra LED watch and LED analog clock
Via: Tokyoflash
Tags: Cool watches, designer watches, LED led watches, cool cool watches beautiful watches sci fi watches, Tokyoflash, watches sold by Tokyoflash, advertising designs watchesView the Original article