Tivoli Audio M3PIANO Platinum Series-model three AM / FM clock radio (piano black/silver) reviews
Friday, September 24, 2010

Tivoli Audio model three clock radio - go shopping today for a clock radio and usually find large & bright digital displays, the sounds of nature, futuristic designs and other modern amenities. Tivoli Audio but takes a different path with the model three clock radio. It has a purely analog interface for both the clock and the AM / FM radio, as well as with an old fashioned feel is designed.Has a classic design, modern features, while maintaining superior audio technology in Inneren.Sleek thumbwheel, set the alarm time constant, gentle illumination, external antenna & power included in a high gloss black and silver finish.
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Labels: (piano, Audio, black/silver), clock, M3PIANO, Platinum, radio, reviews, Series-model, three, Tivoli