Pin Clock - Nifty and retro
Sunday, February 15, 2009

This nifty clock will make some of you remember those pin art toys back in 80's. In that toys you push some shape (or your face) against a pin covered board so it displays the shape.
This clock uses the same principle but to show you the time in a fashion 3D way.
It's an analogic/digital mixture since it displays digital numbers using analogic mechanism (3,000 pins!).
Don't spect some advanced features, It can only display time... but, anyway this is the main goal to a clock isn't it?

Price: $59.95 at
Via: Geeks Are Sexy
commented by
Meghan, February 20, 2009 at 11:27 AM

I know what you mean, but unfortunately i am blogging this from Argentina :P
So i cannot tell you where to find one of those.
Maybe you can try at
Good luck!
So i cannot tell you where to find one of those.
Maybe you can try at
Good luck!
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commented by March 19, 2010 at 10:30 AM
My daughter has had
this for almost 3 months now and is very pleased with it. It heats rapidly and her hair doesn't look dry after using it. It doesn't seem to have the "cord" issues that she had with her chi.
this for almost 3 months now and is very pleased with it. It heats rapidly and her hair doesn't look dry after using it. It doesn't seem to have the "cord" issues that she had with her chi.
commented by December 29, 2012 at 3:25 PM
Have you seen (and do you know where I can find) a clock where the numbers are in the wrong order on the face, but it still keeps accurate time?